Jesus meets the disciples on the evening of Thursday, having supper one last time with them and after goes to pray at Gethsemane.
All this was, of course, well known to the members of the committee when they met on the following evening.
Andros met with the governor and General Court on the evening of October 31, 1687.
The second Democratic caucus met on the evening of March 27, after the 59th ballot.
The caucus then adjourned to meet again on the next evening.
Atahualpa and his forces met with the Spaniards at Cajamarca on the evening of 15 November.
We met on the evening of Wednesday the seventh at Martin's flat.
The party's Federal Executive met on the evening of 9 January 2006 to discuss the leadership election and opted for an early vote.
A number of delegates and others met on the evening of August 15, a meeting which came to be known as "Consultation I".
The bride and bridegroom met in August 1994 on the evening before freshman orientation at Columbia.