This applies even though you are a charity and the goods and services you supply are being provided in order to meet your charity's aims.
This deepened my understanding of partners' priorities and how British Council Wales responds to these in order to meet their aims through cultural relations.
The White Mutiny was highly successful in meeting its aims.
The trustees have several times declined offers of corporate sponsorship because the products offered have not met the Trust's philosophical aims and objects.
The report found that the school met its aims of providing a healthy balance of academic and extra-curricular activities.
Architecture criticism - published or broadcast critique, assessing the architect's success in meeting his own aims and objectives and those of others.
Exercises should meet their aims and objectives in the most appropriate manner.
Advice for Businesses: Understanding and working with business owners to meet their financial aims.
But the movie meets its grand incongruous aims with the exaggerated smiles and scowls of two gifted principal actors.
Power brokers can also negotiate deals with other power brokers to meet their aims.