China's leaders will not be able to continue indefinitely to meet the nation's deeply rooted desire for datong with empty rhetoric.
He declined to address how Microsoft could meet the commission's desire to establish a precedent in having a say over future products.
To meet the community's desire for open space, 110 acres of the site were rezoned and turned into parkland.
But the Church, to whom this truth has been entrusted, must go out to meet their desire, so as to bring them the truth.
How can you meet the white community's desire for security, I asked, if the state takes land or other property without compensation?
While the products may benefit buyers, at least one critic questions the size of the marketplace that has emerged to meet Americans' desire for relaxation.
But the technology that Walt Disney wanted for this attraction did not exist or fully meet his desire.
But he said that the class action would allow the firm to meet its desire of addressing all investor concerns in one forum.
Greening said the move met his desire to seek regular football.
Outside the heads, as if to meet my desire, we found it blowing fresh from the north-east.