In 1997, they met their manager, who convinced them of their potential, and obtained a contract with Sony for the group.
You and your friend meet the two rock stars, their A&R man, and their manager.
Perhaps some of you would like to meet our resident manager.
"I would not want to buy a security in a fund whose main manager I haven't met."
At 5, she learned to play piano, and at 8, she began acting and met her first manager.
This career path eventually led to Robinson meeting her manager and then securing a publishing deal.
Schultz immediately began walking the music in to local radio, where he met his manager, Luis Duran.
The band meet their new manager; he is impressed but only wants to sign Evert.
It was during that time that the band met their future manager, Andy Winter.
I'm very certain I met your manager at the dinner they gave us last night.