He knew he had met at least part of his master's objective in this assault.
Its recommendations met at least part of the consensus test: a pay increase for Congressmen, judges and other officials is clearly overdue.
Solar hot water systems are provided to meet part of water heating needs.
During the shows stops in various cities, the tour bus makes appearances at local merchants, allowing people to meet part of the crew.
In the United States, some state legislatures meet only part of the year.
So he waits, figuring he'll meet part of the next couple soon.
Ticket sales meet only part of the cost of running the railroad; the rest comes from government subsidies.
The $90 million renovation program under way at the West Haven campus will meet part of his charge.
The only exception was in war periods when it became customary to meet part of the additional spending through borrowing.
But the engine can also be smaller, because the electric motor meets part of the peak power demand.