Moss went to the Orioles' camp and met with their general manager, Roland Hemond.
"My partners and I would like to meet with you and your manager this evening."
Together, Mr. Doughty and the parents met with the store's manager.
Meet with your manager at least once a year (every 3 or 6 months is even better) to talk about your job and your performance.
When I met with the actor and his manager, the two of them talked as if this required a major investigation.
Nederlander did have the strength to meet with his general manager, Gene Michael, late Tuesday night and again today.
Opponents plan to meet on Tuesday with the store's manager to discuss the problem, but there may be little room for negotiation.
Mr. Scutt, who had intended to meet with his manager, accepted the fare instead.
He's arranged for us to meet with their manager at oh-ninehundred.
We'd like to meet with your manager anyway, if we could.