Beathard met with the Redskins' owner, Jack Kent Cooke, and discussed the deal.
Stern plans to meet Monday with the Grizzlies' owner, Michael Heisley, who has lost millions of dollars on his investment.
He will meet with the Patriots' owner, Bob Kraft, on Tuesday.
Reeves, whose team is 3-10 after making the playoffs last season, met Tuesday with the team's owner, Arthur Blank, according to Blank.
He said he would not make up his mind until after he had met with the Patriots' owner, Victor Kiam.
On Wednesday, Brown met with the team's owner, Bill Davidson, as each side expressed its position.
"I'm thrilled that I would have a chance to meet with their owner," Brown said of Dolan.
The students organized a committee that met with the building's owner to try to persuade him to give the school another extension on the rent.
During their adventures, the pupils are usually followed by a friendly dog named Jonatán, and they often meet with its owner, Mrs Kadrnožková.
He sought out Vmark's primary competitor, a private company, and quickly arranged to meet with its owner to talk about a merger of equals.