He was seldom to be found at meetings of the BPI, the industry's body, or glad-handing at functions among bow-tie- and cumberbund-wearers.
The planned meeting of the P.L.O.'s top policy-making body, the Palestine National Council, could tell much.
The meeting of the Fed's policy-making body marked the third time in a row that the central bank has passed up an opportunity to raise short-term interest rates.
The interest rate rise was approved at today's regularly scheduled meeting of the Bundesbank's policy-setting body, the central bank council.
It was uncertain how the disclosure of the information would affect Tuesday's meeting of the central bank's senior policy-making body, the Federal Open Market Committee.
The policy was approved Tuesday at a meeting of the group's policy-making body, the house of delegates, in Las Vegas, Nev.
Each team offered a 15-minute presentation before a three-judge panel in a mock meeting of the Federal Reserve's policy-setting body.
But as the nation prepares for next week's meeting of its highest legislative body, which some expect to challenge President Boris N. Yeltsin, no one is starving.
A final decision on closing the departments is to be made at a meeting of the university's governing body on Dec. 20.
But she has suffered a startling string of defeats in a pivotal meeting of the country's highest legislative body.