This was followed by Dosti, a non star-cast film which went on to become a mega success at the box-office.
After the mega success of Holland V, Aw was seen as a possible successor of the Ah Jie (big sister) status.
The film did mark Vikram as an actor to look out for, but he tasted mega success only in Sethu that released a few years later.
Deborah Evans Price, of Billboard magazine reviewed the song favorably, saying that what makes the single work is McDonald's "endearing style, made so apparent with the mega success of 'Amazed'."
The production is a mega commercial and artistic success.
The mega success of the maiden film and the support he got from Kannada film viewers inspired him to go in for popular subjects for Kannada screen.
Following the mega success of her debut smash hit, "Whip Your Hair," 10-year-old Willow Smith has released the new video for her latest single, "21st Century Girl."
Pandey could not capitalize on the mega success of the film, "Aankhen".
It was quiet George who best articulated a collective existential puzzlement over the Beatles' mega success.
The album broke another sales beyond the 15 millions for Spears' second straight mega success.