I watched there six days and nights, and a very melancholy experience it was.
It is a melancholy experience to want urgently to write of something beautiful and end up with nothing but embarrassments.
"You forget my melancholy experience," he answered.
Any hopes aroused by these two new series being tried out by CBS must be mixed with much melancholy experience.
That was a melancholy experience for Annie.
Together they had covered in their conversation, the whole range of lamentable and melancholy experiences which it had been their lot to encounter.
I would like to read them again someday, but just now it would be a melancholy experience.
For Chief Deng, the return of his extended family is a melancholy experience.
You've captured the sometimes melancholy, often wonderful experience of travelling on your own.
This year's Brit awards will be a melancholy experience for indie fans.