Consumed by her melancholy reflections, the magic-user barely noticed as morning passed.
With a very old expression he was gazing at all those crowds, as though the sight of them filled him with melancholy reflections.
Through Jantiff's mind passed the melancholy reflection: this is precisely the pattern of life!
I ceased to rave about her and was plunged in the depth of melancholy reflections.
Bacco asked, startling the room's other occupants out of their own melancholy reflections.
Louis bent down his head, and seemed absorbed in sad and melancholy reflections.
The song is a melancholy reflection on a failing romantic relationship.
Lady Ombersley tried to put these melancholy reflections out of her mind and began to talk about the party she meant to give.
He folded his arms, and soon became absorbed in his own melancholy reflections.
He turned away his head, and appeared absorbed in melancholy reflection.