Other photographs and paintings show melancholy scenes of industrial decay.
If john Adams were around today, celebrating our 200th, he would not lack for melancholy scenes.
On to the next hundred years of melancholy scenes, splendid deeds, and urgent business!
It was a melancholy scene; no doubt of that.
Her last melancholy scene with Daniel illuminates the world's complexities and her own as well.
Hating to depart for what he feared would be the last time, he gazed on at the melancholy scene.
It's a melancholy scene, both men silent and thoughtful.
It is a touching and melancholy scene, and marks a high point in a generally excellent book.
I answer: This extraordinary effect proceeds from that very eloquence, with which the melancholy scene is represented.
The people pour along the streets, both male and female, to prevent or witness the melancholy scene.