He couldn't hold back a long, melancholy sigh.
My wife greeted this with a melancholy sigh, but I went ahead anyway.
The figure heaved a long and melancholy sigh, and the portal opened wider.
"I've often wondered that," Gwystyl agreed, with a melancholy sigh.
Yes, yes, pick him up," Gwystyl added with a melancholy sigh.
Then he sighed deeply, a strangely melancholy sigh.
He paused again, and the Israelis could hear a noise over the electronic speaker like a deep melancholy sigh.
She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the vision of the future with a melancholy sigh.
We'll have to have yet another funeral, Reed thought with a weary, melancholy sigh.
"I am the last of my family, Tom," said the old gentleman, with a melancholy sigh.