This Webcast concept perfectly melds America's couch-potato culture and its obsession with weddings.
The two, in my opinion, melded together perfectly.
Most digital effects are intended to look real, but Stan Winston created effects that were so seamless they melded perfectly with the digital work on the movie.
The mild sweet-and-sour sauce melds perfectly with the smokiness of the pork, from its crisp exterior bits to the tender, smoky pieces from within.
There is a playfulness in Mr. Schepisi's approach that melds perfectly into the blunt, funny poetry of these Londoners' speech.
Not that either; a counterpoint, a nether harmony, melding perfectly with Nona's song.
Over the decades, the Saudis' pursuit of American money and military protection melded perfectly with America's ever-growing oil appetite to turn the two nations into reflexive allies.
Their individual talents seemed to meld perfectly, each one's strengths compensating for the other's weaknesses.
"All the characters have to meld perfectly to make this piece work."
But experience had taught me that when countertransference melded perfectly with what appeared to be appropriate treatment, danger often ensued.