Rows of white candles lent their mellow glow to the church.
The heater put out a strong, mellow glow.
The big room was filled with the scent of pine and its mellow, varnished glow.
It was lit in a way that gave the walls a mellow, golden glow.
A mellow bluish glow spread throughout the entire room.
When he first tasted the drink, there was the warm goodness of a nice boozy mellow glow that filled him.
The afternoon was far advanced and the hot glare had softened into a mellow glow before we found ourselves at the police-station.
Archaic bronze lamps hung at intervals cast a mellow glow.
The good news is that Maastricht's mellow glow has only acquired a bit more burnish.
Though the doorway where the pair stood was dark, a street lamp threw a mellow glow to the inner edge of the sidewalk.