The second movement is for strings alone and begins with a narrow melodic range which expands toward the end.
Finals were altered, melodic ranges reduced, melismas trimmed, B-flats eliminated, and repeated words removed.
To extend his melodic range, he also plays on tenor and piccolo basses.
The instrument possesses a melodic range of over five octaves, while its sympathetic range spans four octaves.
The singer improvised freely, and the melodic range was limited, sounding like a field holler.
This enabled players to fret all the strings, allowing for chording and an expanded melodic range.
Hawkwind songs, formally speaking, are very similar--three or four chords, a relatively limited melodic range.
This tuning limits the melodic range of the tunes and is therefore sparsely used.
Use of the lower end of a melodic range is characteristic, as is the use of silence; one listens through the silence.
The darker vocal colors and more restricted melodic range of the baritone version convincingly convey the lovesick young character's suicidal depression.