Through numerous recordings and an influential book, he has advocated an approach that leaves behind all systems: musical styles, harmony, steady rhythm, melodic sequences.
Bol-Taans entail the formation of melodic sequences with the words of the song.
A melodic, rhythmic sequence of syllables conventionally associated with a certain type of celebration would become, in effect, its vocal mark.
While he occasionally relies too heavily on melodic sequences, working one phrase up and down the scale, more often he just pours out ideas.
Kodály stated that each nation should create its own melodic sequence based upon its own folk music.
Playing the soprano saxophone, Mr. Marsalis spun out melodic sequences that had their own careering logic.
Listeners tend to percieve fast melodic sequences which contain tones from two different registers as two melodic lines.
Perception of separate streams builds as the melodic sequence is repeated over time, first rapidly, and then at a decreased rate.
It was a melodic sequence of chiming tones that spawned fractal sub-sequences even as the main theme repeated.
Do predictable harmonies and repeated melodic sequences by lesser composers soothe commuting drivers?