Known for its melodious calls, the species' name currawong is believed to be of indigenous origin.
The endemic Lord Howe Island subspecies has a distinct, more melodious call.
After a while the meadowlarks began to sing again, but their melodious calls were out of place, foreign in this gray, snowy landscape.
The Noble Snipe has a clear melodious call.
Crypturellus are a very loud group of birds with melodious calls.
The sound of a voice came from the side, the melodious call of a dark elf.
The currawong has a distinct loud and melodious call.
The species is the most vociferous when mating, and make loud, melodious calls when doing so.
He looked in all directions, then gave a melodious call.
The melodious call has been likened to, "I'll get you", or "You're cranky", and is possibly the most musical of all whistlers.