The romance lasted for only two months but it had amusing, melodramatic aspects.
Mr. Quinton said he was drawn to the comedy's melodramatic aspect "of thieves and murderers who are trying to rob the town."
He said Eastwood respected the script by not playing to the melodramatic aspects and not telegraphing the story's scope from the start.
What Mr. Yamada does by lingering until he has to force Seibei into a physical challenge is to develop a melodramatic aspect for the scenario.
Care has obviously been taken to play down the more melodramatic aspects of the drama.
Michael Bloom, the director, underplays the melodramatic aspects of the story.
These melodramatic aspects don't interest her.
The theme of American innocence betrayed was also frequently depicted on screen, the melodramatic aspects of the narrative lending themselves naturally to the movies.
That is meant to be a comment about class; it accidentally calls attention to the melodramatic aspect of one person having such a load of problems.
He has chosen to shore up key scenes by superimposing mood music, which only serves to underscore the play's melodramatic aspects.