Any determined writer can put together melodramatic effects, though we must remember that the scene should lend itself to high emotion and/or outsized characters.
Since romantic writing is intimately tied with emotion, it becomes a natural for melodramatic effect.
Suppose, for example, we wanted to create stories of social criticism using melodramatic effect.
The incidents are striking, sometimes even horrible, and the authors have been accused of straining after melodramatic effect.
Either die in the vacuum of space, or..." he paused for melodramatic effect, "tell me how good you thought my poem was!
They are present simply because they provide the requisite melodramatic effect.
The problem is, many novels and short stories seem to exist for the sole purpose of producing a series of melodramatic effects.
It's just an artificial reproduction of some part of the girl's psyche: deliberately manufactured for melodramatic effect.
Del Mar knew the theatre too well to venture any hackneyed melodramatic effect such as an electric torch.
The Eye easily passes beyond that as there is not a hint of contrived control or predetermined melodramatic effect.