The latter smiled, swished his sword through the air in melodramatic gesture.
I scrambled over the side even before the Lady and in a calculated, melodramatic gesture, kissed the ground.
You made a rather melodramatic gesture of crossing out all the other names on your list.
And there are times, it must be said, when he seems to have fallen back on tricks and melodramatic gestures.
Most of the time, one saw nothing more than melodramatic gestures.
What was this melodramatic gesture of Jake's all about?
This is just a slightly melodramatic gesture on my part to explain the how and why of your situation.
The magician moved his hands in a melodramatic gesture.
You mustn't,' she said quickly, wringing her hands in a strange melodramatic gesture.
Qui'hibra allowed himself a private moment of amusement at his daughter's melodramatic gesture.