Cover, reduce heat to low, and continue cooking until the onions are meltingly soft.
He looked up at her with meltingly soft eyes.
Simmering it for any time toughens the fish - it has to meltingly soft.
The mask, of meltingly soft plastic, formed a tight seal over my nose.
The oysters, slightly crisp outside and meltingly soft within, married perfectly with the hollandaise, in which the olive oil flavor was distinct but not overpowering.
Cover and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the onions are meltingly soft and almost golden, about 20 minutes.
Just like the beets I had bought in France, these were cooked until meltingly soft, and perfectly suited to a purée.
For all his intensity, for all the force of his personality, the kiss was meltingly soft.
The best-tasting cuts of beef for braising, from the front of the animal, take a while to become meltingly soft.
When I did it at home, the meat was tender, not meltingly soft.