House rules require members to alert the House leadership when they receive subpoenas.
However, at least one member of the public has alerted him that he was recently bitten by what's locally called the "gold bum fly."
American officials believe members of the Pakistani intelligence service are alerting militants to imminent American missile strikes in Pakistan's tribal areas.
A member of the public alerted a patrolling policeman to the smoke but by the time the fire brigade arrived the rear of the theatre was ablaze.
Another True member discovered Wells' criminal history and alerted the company.
Ms. Soifer recalled a scene during filming when a member of another representative's staff alerted her at a news conference that the camera was focused on her, not on her boss.
A member of the hospital staff alerted the doctor's family in Somers; Mulumba, in turn, called the local precinct on Long Island to report the father missing.
Officials Alerted About Schools After the first deaths were reported, Tina and other former members alerted public officials to the existence of the faith-healing religious community and the two church schools.
The communal aspect of birding emerged as members of the group alerted one another to an unexpected winter sighting of a golden-crowned kinglet.
Both Mr. Baby and a worker killed on Thursday, Joy Antony, were assigned to small cleaning-and-maintenance crews that did not have a member dedicated to flagging oncoming trains and alerting them to the crew's presence, union officials said.