Some members of the right of the Conservative Party also campaigned for "No".
While many of their efforts involve behind-the-scenes maneuvering, members are also campaigning on their legislative record.
Poland found itself with a fragmented Parliament whose members had campaigned on vague popular promises of a better life.
Although members of his team campaigned as if Iraq was going very well indeed, they know better.
Some members of the President's cabinet campaigned for Sanchez in Houston.
A Pakistani intelligence official said tonight that a member of the charity group had campaigned against the country's blasphemy laws.
Two members of Parliament who were indicted are also campaigning for re-election, but their fate is less clear.
Congress intends to begin its August recess next week, many members are campaigning for re-election and they want tangible accomplishments to show voters.
The council's militantly nationalistic members campaigned hard for the party and will certainly take much of the credit for its victory.
Many members had previously campaigned against the slave trade.