The greedy members wouldn't confront him until they were certain the case with $500,000 wasn't coming back.
Like every culture, its members confronted the mysteries of illness, death and birth.
On February 5, 1986, members of the military confronted the Duvalier regime and demanded his departure.
But one night, a member confronted him: "Ted, I don't think I know where you hurt.
When a member finally confronted him in a personal E-mail message, he confessed that he was neither a monk nor a cancer patient.
While Parliament awaits the outcome, members confront the inevitability of working themselves out of a job.
During the long Lebanon war and the Intifada, members of the peace movement confronted their government by civil disobedience.
Finally, members must confront the question of whether Mr. Gingrich has been crippled as a leader.
Several members, including Tattoo, confront the X-Men on the front lawn.
Several members of Marcus' wolfpack confront Sam at his place.