Although even senior members of the Royal Family often now drive themselves instead of having a driver.
The association might allow members to drive these streets for free and charge fees to motorists using them as cut-throughs to get to other places.
"Every member of my immediate family drives a Ford (or two) and the in-laws are being converted as we speak," he said.
Another team that 2 members drive Gen3 cars.
All 55 members of the cast and crew immediately drove to the theater.
It is not an easy quest to learn exactly how many members of Congress drive foreign cars.
The original members then get in a limousine (courtesy of Doug's father) and drive away to a party.
Because the intrusive habits of the certain members of the press have driven the best stories underground.
This is believed to be the only Golf Club in the world that members cannot drive to.
It is also expected that members primarily drive black vehicles.