As a result, only a very few members from this community ever embraced Islam.
Some members of the black community quickly embraced this as a cause with more resonance than a record shop in jeopardy.
When the vote was announced, members of the governing coalition embraced one another on the floor while the opposition sat in glum silence.
Indeed, members of the press who used to look disdainfully at their blow-dried cousins have embraced broadcast with open arms.
True, the club's members have embraced their task with gusto.
Even some members of the Web generation are not embracing the online world entirely, the Pew study found.
But many members of the Southern community have proudly embraced the term as a self-identifier.
Even members of the men's national championship team have embraced her.
The members, who created the club to counteract change, in the end embraced change.
Then members embrace visitors and shake their hands.