The club's members greet one another with elaborate handshakes and hugs.
The left handshake - this is the way members of the Movement greet each other.
After landing, members of a pair greet each other by raising their wings in an elaborate ceremony that shows off the black and white markings.
Various members of the cast greeted the audience as they exited through the lobby.
More pragmatic members of the press greeted the revival with less than Turkish delight, deeming them too costumey for ordinary women.
At Bellevue, the members of the state team and the shelter staff greeted one another warmly.
Upon meeting, members greet with a kiss of charity as taught in 1 Peter 5.
Several members of the class had already met Mae at Young Life and greeted her as an old page 235 friend.
For all these cross-currents, many members of the parish, before and after the Mass, openly greeted their favorite clergymen, young and old, like close relatives.
But members of several civic groups greeted the new measures with caution.