One member simultaneously interprets the music through American Sign Language.
These Indians were very interested in the spiritual world, and members of the communities called shamans would interpret the environment.
Not all members of a group perceive or interpret their history in exactly the same way.
Amphibolite sheets, interpreted to be deformed members of the Scourie Dykes, are much less common than on the mainland.
Various members of the local community have interpreted these actions as a violation of the constitutional protection from unreasonable search and seizure.
Suffering will not tear it apart - each member interpreting and reacting to it differently - but will leave it standing, united and transformed.
The internal assessment should focus on how members inside the organization interpret their mission statement.
Some members of the Letterman team interpreted ABC's reaction as backtracking.
This had been the case for so long that many members now interpreted it as being the only seventy-five minutes * One reason for this was the club food.
How should the EU's members in fact interpret this?