The thirty or so members of the Greenwich Police Department had not investigated a complex homicide in many years, and now that suddenly changed.
By comparison, as a member of the Senate committee investigating the Iran-contra affair, he received only about 2,000 letters.
Mendell and members of his research group investigate post-transcriptional gene regulation.
The members of the movement investigated the facts of misuse of University funds and multiple financial abuses.
Other news organizations and members of Congress also investigated Colonel North's activities and identified him by name.
The members of the health panel investigated by putting themselves in the position of clinical researchers who had made the important decisions, the co-chairmen said.
Some members of the team had been investigating vulture funds for four years.
That way, current members are not investigating one another.
And members of a major broadcasting union are investigating to determine whether the techniques violate local labor agreements.
The members of the Iraqi Police Service - the beat cops - investigate crimes and enforce the law.