Armando Vara, Portuguese politician, member of the Portuguese Socialist Party, former Minister, and banking administrator.
He was a member of the Guardian Council and former Minister of Justice upon the death of Jamal Karimi-Rad.
He was a member of the province's Executive Council as Minister of Labour and Human Resources and then Minister of Labour.
Zalman Shazar: A member of the Knesset for Mapai, and former Minister of Education and editor of the Davar newspaper.
She is a member of the Quebec Liberal Party and current Minister of Labor.
Estrella has also been a member of the Senate of the Dominican Republic and Minister of Public Works.
As a member of the Presidential entourage, Minister and MP, Dr. Oli Ahmad visited numerous countries.
He is the father-in-law of Gilbert Chandler, member of the Victorian Legislative Council and Minister for Agriculture in the Bolte Ministry from 1955-1973.
She was a member of the Dutch parliament from 1981-1990 and Minister of Development Cooperation from 1998-2002.
Founding member of party Acción Democrática (AD), and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the first AD government (1945-1948).