After resigning in good standing, Jones began to work for intelligence reform by meeting with members of Congress and their staffs, members of the executive branch, journalists, political operatives and political contributors, and writing articles and a book.
We want to encourage people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to apply to participate as members of studio audiences and contributors to programmes, to tour our buildings and to join us at events.
More recently, Mr. Fossella has been scolded by some labor leaders for his support of a plan to use a luxury cruise liner as a floating entertainment center for members of Congress, lobbyists and contributors during the Republican convention next summer.
Representative Tom DeLay of Texas will not go ahead with his plan to use a luxury cruise liner as a floating entertainment center for members of Congress, lobbyists and contributors during the Republican National Convention next summer, an aide said yesterday.
Its founders and board of directors included members and former members of the John Reed Club such as William Gropper, as well as contributors to the New Masses and the Daily Worker, and notable artists such as Margaret Bourke-White and Louis Schanker.
By the 1760s and 1770s, the Italian authors who were members of academies and contributors to philosophical and literary journals began to disseminate their ideas close to the realm of power in Milan and Turin, Parma and Modena, Florence and Naples.
Many members of the American Scientific Affiliation and contributors to its journal Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.