Deaths include members of drug cartels, security forces, police, journalists and innocent bystanders.
Among the dead were patients, members of the hospital staff, journalists and Croatian fighters who had taken refuge.
His statement was denounced by Tunisian members of parliament, journalists, students, and residents.
The Government, although democratically elected, condones the intimidation of members of parliament and journalists.
In 2010, Zuma's bodyguards were implicated in multiple incidents involving members of the public and journalists.
He served in that period, in private practice, thanks mainly to his friendships with members of the Fascism and journalists.
During the convention, more than 50,000 visitors came to Denver, including more than 16,000 members of the media, bloggers, and independent journalists.
But counting members of the occupation government, journalists, contractors, aid workers and others, they probably exceed 5,000.
The players are members of Congress, journalists and a few other associates.
In fact, the public has far greater trust in physicians than in members of Congress, lawyers and journalists.