Bowyer was a member of the King's Men by January 1640.
Oliver concludes that these four plays were reported texts sold by members of Pembroke's Men who were broke after the failed tour.
Garland was a veteran, having been a founding member of Queen Elizabeth's Men in 1583.
Terry became a member of Sweeney's Men, who played English and American folk music, plus their own compositions.
Shakespeare's fellow members of the Lord Chamberlain's Men acted in his plays.
A famous clown in his own era, Read may have been a member of the King's Men in 1641.
Burbage was trained as a joiner, but also took up acting and was a member of Leicester's Men by 1572.
The text of the Complaint seems to indicate that Read was then a member of the King's Men, though scholars have disputed the point.
As a member of Copenhagen's 32 Men, he had the right of an audience before the king.
By 1583, when he is mentioned as one of the original members of the Queen's Men, he was already an experienced actor.