Rubio said four or five members of Cuba's security force ordered him to destroy the sign.
The beating stopped only when senior members of the club ordered it.
This team, or a member of it, ordered or requested the hit on the Swishers.
Each semester, members of the upper classes may order the traditional onyx and gold Wells College ring.
The House mural, commissioned for $91,960, was on display for less than a year before members ordered it covered.
The members not only refused to comply, but also ordered all of his earlier financial edicts burned.
When four young women arrived in midafternoon with a bouquet, members rushed outside the building and ordered members of the news media off the property.
A member of Congress inserts a short paragraph in a spending bill, ordering that money be spent on a certain program in a certain place.
Last year, more than 4,000 members ordered more than $2million worth of drugs.
I was a high school student in 1938 when he died, and no member of the military-political elite ordered me or my schoolmates to cry.