Before that the members praised their handiwork and each other.
He has restored three so far, and members cannot praise the results enough.
Former members of the Clinton administration quietly praised the Bush administration's position today.
The 13 members of the panel praised the efforts, saying the plan had "demonstrated what many doubted could be done."
Although they requested to make several alterations, the members praised the film.
Yesterday, several high-ranking members of the news division said they were relieved that the investigation was over and praised the network's openness about its findings.
The changes drew a mixed reaction Wednesday, with some security experts and members of Congress praising them, while others said they were counterproductive.
Every member of the panel who was present, including some with whom she has had differences, praised her performance.
Many members of Congress praise the new policy for allowing cheaper and more effective communications with constituents.
Black members of the hospital's community advisory board praised her as a dedicated advocate who worked after-hours and on weekends.