During their weekly vigil, members of his group prayed to Allah without him, and for him.
Around 50 of the victims' family members joined hands, prayed for the victims and asked for justice.
The Priest has a scriptural duty "to exhort members to pray vocally and in secret."
Elected officials and corporate leaders organized their own letter-writing campaign, and members of the clergy prayed for the paper's survival.
The founder also taught that the spirits of the deceased could be 'saved' by Christ in the spirit world if members prayed for them.
Many of these have a chapel because the members should have prayed for the soul of the founders (the people who created the college).
And in the small room the nineteen members of this family prayed that as good Jews they might prove faithful to their God.
In the armory, for the first time in memory, all 3,000 or so members could pray together.
He and the other members of his family then prayed for the cure of the second foot, which also supposedly turned around later.
So, members of the audience were praying for a fast-paced, exciting presentation.