There has been no indication that any member of Congress ever purchased illegal drugs at the post office.
Buying club are organized to help members purchase goods that might otherwise be difficult or expensive to obtain.
While a member of Congress he purchased the Washington Times.
A $99 membership increases the solo time to 90 minutes, and members at either level can purchase additional 15-minute segments for $19.95.
The expansion would also allow all members to purchase Russian weapons at the same price as Russia.
Starting on July 1, 1875, the national organization required members to purchase a life insurance policy.
However, members can purchase no-liability insurance for an additional $79 a year.
If not a member of the movement, then at least a man whose temporary loyalty, once purchased, is secure.
In 1922, the members purchased a barn and incorporated.
In the 1990s, the first female members purchased seats on the car.