This reasoning may have justified the clemency offer, but it leaves unaddressed the condition put on it: that the members must first renounce violence.
After the Japanese surrender, members of the Mori family renounced their Japanese citizenship, and identified themselves as Micronesians.
To become a monk or nun, a member must renounce all ties to a family and donate all his or her assets to the sect.
The fundamentalist community here evolved after members of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City officially renounced polygamy in 1890.
To be sure, members of Congress have not renounced all interest in regulating banks.
On August 4, 1789, members of the constituent assembly denounced and renounced "feudal" structures of French society and politics.
The imprisoned members of the group must agree to the request that their sentences be commuted, agree to cooperate with parole officials and renounce violence for any purpose.
The members renounced the raises they were entitled to and pledged to trim their budgets.
Outraged, several Libyan members of al Qaeda and the Islamic Army Shura renounced all connections with him.
The two-million member Free German Youth also renounced its claim today to represent all East German young people.