The exact numbers were in the hands of an independent committee that oversees the study, and its members would not reveal them even to the study investigators.
Congress asks members of the JSA to reveal their identities.
When the working member of the pair has revealed the prey, the other fish quickly grabs and eats it.
He also wanted to confer with them alone, so that the human members of his team would not mistakenly reveal the existence of time travel.
In a thread on 4chan, several members revealed their confusion and wondered about Jester's motives.
In 1901, a member of the board revealed that the colony was bankrupt.
One member of the gang later revealed their exact coordinates by "checking in" to Foursquare, a social network based on users' locations.
Watch each cast member reveal their true feelings to the diary room camera.
A member of the casting department also revealed that the casting could be held off.
A member of the clergy publicly reveals his or her homosexuality.