Yet only one other member of the executive board has sided with Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Rivera and several other officials said.
Several members of the Council from the third world, led by Yemen and Cuba, which end their two-year turn on the Council tonight, sided with the Polisario.
That 11th member sided with the Democrats in the recent redistricting.
Some members sided with the Provisional Government, (later the Irish Free State), while others remained neutral during the ensuing Civil War.
Some members sided with the Irregulars in the Irish Civil War that quickly followed.
The measure cleared the House Ways and Means Committee today by a larger-than-expected margin of 34 to 4 as several undecided members sided with President Clinton.
During the strife that occurred in the next few years, individual members of the Chobanids sided with various factions, such as Arpa or Hasan Buzurg.
When Florentine society was divided between the political factions of the Guelf and the Ghibellines most members of the family sided with the Guelf party.
Many a member of ministerialis and nobility rather sided with Magnus.
The members of what would become the X Club sided with the Ethnological Society of London, which denounced slavery and embraced academic liberalism.