NATO should weigh any future applicant against the contributions and burdens its membership would entail.
For those of us who are members of A.T.O.E., membership in T.H.S. should entail no conflict of interest - simply an extension of a special enthusiasm.
Aside from taking up residence at St. John's, residential membership entails active involvement in the social and academic aspects of College life.
The less deluxe membership entails a $1,200 initiation fee and a $180 monthly charge.
Nobody has ever exactly figured out what "membership" of this "Committee" actually entails.
Practically, that meant membership in the church entailed a commitment to try to live according to norms of Christian behavior widely held by the Anabaptist tradition.
A concern of farmers in these mountainous regions is that membership of the European Union might entail a curtailment of these subsidies and the end of Alpine agriculture.
Many Chinese worry that their country is ill prepared to face the global competition that membership entails.
In fact, it is about making China understand that its membership of the WTO entails both rights and duties.
Austria, meanwhile, finds that membership of the EU does not only entail benefits.