For years, the party official responsible for membership records was an agent of the Los Angeles police.
A new membership record, reported by the club to be 40,544 and is the first time the membership has been over 40,000.
As the Church of Satan does not let people see the membership records, it is not known how many members they have.
It was founded in either 1840 or 1841, its minutes and membership record run continuously back to 1850.
These days 20,000 families, 1,000 of them foreign, swell the membership records.
The primary sources are from the government population data and from the membership records of the individual denominations.
If the member changes congregations while under church discipline, the membership record will inform the new ward or branch leadership of the disciplinary action.
After church discipline has ended the membership record will again be updated to remove notice of the disciplinary action.
As the organization does not keep formal membership records, this figure is based on the number of bottles of wine it has distributed.