Tier points are used to calculate the member's eligibility for membership renewal, upgrade or downgrade during the membership year.
These electronic trainers also let the staff monitor clients' attendance, perhaps reducing the dropout rate by giving the gym information that can be used to sell membership renewals or encourage customers to return.
There are few formalities apart from annual membership renewal at the start of each season in August/September.
Seals become inactive when a sealholder's membership renewal and annual seal fees are not paid.
And while "sometimes our pledge drives get higher ratings than our shows," Dr. Baker said he remains concerned about membership renewals, which are a problem for public television stations nationwide.
Consumers have levied criticism regarding People Media's policy of automatic membership renewal via automatic credit card and e-check billing.
Back home a month or two later, I telephoned the manager of my summer tennis club to explain why I had not responded to the annual mailing for membership renewals.
Tom Miller, an official of the Center for Environmental Education, said membership renewals and the return of "lapsed" members had increased.
In January, she said, she received a notice on church letterhead and signed by Mr. Drotos stating that her membership renewal had been refused by the church council.
November 16, 2011: Deadline for membership renewals.