This memoir, which began as a magazine article, chronicles the author's descent into depression and his near-fatal night of "despair beyond despair".
The memoir chronicles the success of an investor who is haunted by a feeling that everything is his fault, or at least his responsibility.
His first memoir, Slackjaw, chronicles the deterioration of his eyesight.
The memoir chronicles the author's trip around the world after her divorce and what she discovered during her travels.
This richly layered memoir chronicles the life of one of Israel's most acclaimed novelists.
Rooney's 1995 memoir, My War, chronicles his war reporting.
A memoir by the television personality chronicles her career, family life and recent struggle with bipolar disorder.
The memoir chronicles Yu's life in Taiwan when he was introduced to the unique culture of the island.
Her memoir chronicles the inner struggles and problems the family faced at the time.
Many thousands of young men have died a similarly frightening, needless death, and not a few memoirs have chronicled their last days.