Red Bull gives its sportsmen opinion-leaders no talking points, no memorable catchphrases to shriek as they dive off the mountainside.
His stories are usually preceded by his memorable catchphrase, "Say, did I ever tell ya this one?"
The show also introduced memorable catchphrases into American culture, such as "Bang, zoom, straight to the Moon!"
The show also gave Barron the memorable catchphrase, "I didn't get where I am today by...".
He has some of the most memorable catchphrases known to man, including Bloody hell man!
Plus, lest we forget, he's a perpetually frothing fountain of horrifically memorable catchphrases.
The film showcases all of the signature gadgets and memorable catchphrases of the original, plus spectacular action.
This tagline became a memorable catchphrase, especially because it's repeated again at the end of each episode, two and a half minutes later.
Penner's other memorable catchphrase, often triggered by someone else's double entendre remark, was, "You naaaasss-ty man!"