Jennifer Henderson, of the Booklist, found it to be a "memorable tale" that highlights the difficulties in reintroducing wolves even to protected areas.
But it is also a memorable tale of the lust for knowledge, of the risks that are inseparable from the rewards when knowing brings power.
New York Times reviewer Gerald Jonas praised Crowley's "prodigious inventiveness," describing the novel as "a memorable tale that ends too soon."
The story of the first ascent makes a memorable and harrowing tale.
Dimitri became a popular leading man soon after his debut on All My Children in 1991 and "was prominent in some of the show's most memorable tales of that decade."
With each memorable tale, each smile, the trip got better.
A girl usually silent during the tavern talk at night but who, when she did speak, told vivid, memorable tales of her home village to the south.
And there's a memorable tale about a Texan who took his rifle and began shooting a herd of cattle stampeding up from the docks.
One of her most memorable tales was about a miraculous tree that grew deep in the tangled woods of the Low Country.
Howard infused those stories with an intensity that has been rarely equaled, delivering memorable tales of the later Crusades.