A memorandum written on 14 June 1940 by Stuckart or someone in his vicinity in the Interior Ministry discusses the annexation of certain areas in Eastern France to the German Reich.
According to Government officials, that memorandum discussed possible payments to the Israeli Labor Party as part of the pipeline project, for which Israel was to provide secret financial guarantees.
The second memorandum, a legal opinion in August 2002 to Mr. Gonzales from Jay S. Bybee, then a senior lawyer at the Justice Department, discussed tactics that American interrogators could use against terror suspects and gave a very narrow definition of torture.
Five years later, in 1960, a memorandum from Liggett & Myers researchers, in preparation for a research conference, discussed the large number of carcinogens that might be found in cigarette smoke.
The memorandum discussed demonstrators' "innovative strategies," like the videotaping of arrests as a means of "intimidation" against the police.
A memorandum by then President John D. Millett on April 3, 1959 discussed the potential distribution of rooms and offices within the new Harrison Hall, also stating which departments would be housed within the building.
And the Government's memorandum does not discuss why none of the Energy Department's officials who supervised Rockwell at the Rocky Flats Plant were charged.
Senator Thompson said Mr. Huang must have meant April 29, not June 29, because the one-page memorandum discussed the proposed event at the Hsi Lai Temple.
The memorandum also discussed various potential defenses to criminal prosecutions for torture, including necessity and self-defense.
The memorandum discussed the strategy to be followed by government and the ruling party, Liberacion Nacional, on the referendum that took place on October, 2007 on CAFTA-DR.