Animal studies have also provided evidence for epigenetic, age-associated memory decline.
The aim of future research is to reprogram epigenetic changes to help with addiction, mental illness, age related changes, memory decline, and other issues.
In has been found that mental and psychosocial functioning often improve with age, even if physical health, and some elements of memory decline.
The more mentally active the person was, the longer it took for the onset of accelerated memory decline to show up.
Beyond the basic memory decline, there are concerns about maintaining independence, long-term care and holding on to special moments.
Studies of post-menopausal women have linked low levels of estrogen and testosterone to memory decline.
The easiest way to prevent memory decline in elderhood is to stay active throughout your 40's and 50's.
Some experts also say that performing mental exercises and adding fish oil to the diet can delay memory decline.
They concluded that continued use of the drug did appear to be linked with different types of memory decline.
Now that we know earlier memory decline can be an indicator.