When I think about that particular trip, my memories always drift back to the first day, an hour or so after we'd arrived at the garage.
He shivered as old, old memories drifted through his mind.
She sighed, then a memory she had been trying to bring up all day drifted into the front of her mind.
The memory of anotier face and another voice drifted through him.
Was that an actual memory, something that had come drifting out of the picture, or just something I'd made up?
The memory of the dream drifted out of his consciousness like water falling through his fingers.
With two men inside one skull, maybe it was to be expected that memories would drift between them.
He reached out to touch her, but stopped as a memory drifted through his mind.
The years washed about her, and memories drifted among them.
His memory drifted back to another night, eighteen years ago, when he'd been awakened in the middle of the night.